Refining the Need
Since SA Digital Connects launched in September 2021, we have worked hard to understand and refine the need for affordable high speed internet in the Bexar County region.
Through a partnership with Bexar County, we twice reviewed federal broadband maps for accuracy. The City of San Antonio's Office of Innovation led a partnership to undertake a Digital Inclusion research project for the Bexar County region. And lastly, the Bexar County region has consistently been the most responsive to the State's digital opportunity surveys.
FCC Map Availability Challenge - challenging the data internet service providers submitted to the FCC. The biggest challenge reason in San Antonio was that stated speeds were not actually available.
FCC Map Location Challenge - through analysis of appraisal district and 911 data, we were able to identify additional locations that were initially left off of the map. It's important for all actual broadband serviceable locations to be included in the final map, so that every location that need funding for high speed internet is identified and thus eligible.
City of San Antonio and Bexar County Digital Inclusion Survey - statistically significant survey completed in early 2023 in partnership with us and UTSA's College for Health, Community and Policy. The results will be released in September 2023 and will give us a clearer picture on broadband access, adoption, and affordability.
Texas Broadband Development Office Surveys - In May 2023, BDO launched 2 surveys to identify the digital opportunity barriers affecting Texas households, such as the lack of infrastructure, digital literacy, affordable service or access to devices. Widespread input will ensure the state develops an inclusive plan that addresses the digital opportunity needs of all Texans.